Thursday, July 4, 2013

Categories Added: Easier to search for Muay Thai Topics and Gyms

Hey guys, it's been two years since I started this blog and there are a ton of posts and information about my time traveling and training in Thailand.  I've always had a search feature on the left sidebar, but I've been told it's still a bit hard to find the information you're looking for.

Thank you guys for all of your support by liking our facebook page, MyFightCamp and for buying the book, 12 Weeks in Thailand: The Good Life on the Cheap.  Without your support I wouldn't have the time, energy or motivation to continue to update this blog regularly and answer the hundreds of questions I get through email, facebook and comments about coming to train Muay Thai in Thailand, where to stay, which gym to go to and what is the cost of living in Thailand.

Introducing: Categories!

On the left hand sidebar of this blog, right under the search box and above "Popular Posts" you'll see the new Categories feature that I just spent the last hour labeling, tagging and adding.  Now if you want to read all articles about "Phuket Top Team," "KC Muay Thai in Chiang Mai" or if you just want to read the "Muay Thai Tips and Training" or if you're looking for information specifically on Tiger Muay Thai Phuket, you can just click the category and you'll get to easily read just those topics!

Let me know if there are any other topics you are looking for that I haven't listed and if I missed anything.  Also let me know which topics you enjoy the most so I can continue writing about those.

Warm Regards and Good Training,

Johnny FD - Add to follow - Read this book if you're thinking about coming to Thailand

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Hey if you've read this far, you might as well at least leave a comment. Even just to say what's up! If you have any questions about training in Thailand just ask it here in the comments and I'll answer so everyone can benefit from it.