Saturday, February 23, 2013

Video Tour of Team Quest Thailand, Chiang Mai and Review

I had a dream that I was doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu the other night and decided to drop in the new Team Quest Chiang Mai Thailand to do some grappling.  While  was there, I figured I'd make a quick video tour of the gym as a lot of you guys have been asking about it.

First off, the location is fantastic. It's quite possibly the perfect location for being close to the city, but still in a quite, peacefully location.  It's directly opposite the Airport Plaza Mall which houses the cinema, and tons of restaurants and three separate food courts.  But the gym is down a small road just far away enough from the main street so there is no noise from the cars or traffic.  The Muay Thai area was a lot smaller than I expected, but I think it is because Team Quest is trying to focus mainly on MMA.  The indoor MMA room was a perfect size.  It's only slightly smaller than the gigantic MMA room at Phuket Top Team, but it also has bags and a wall cage which makes it convenient for MMA classes.  Here is a video tour of the new Team Quest Chiang Mai for you to see for yourself.

Aside from having a fantastic location, Team Quest is also the first MMA gym in Chiang Mai, so you have to give them credit for bringing it here a year before Tiger Muay Thai.  However, the gym reminds me a lot of what Phuket Top Team was like the first year it opened.  Even though PTT tried to concentrate on it's MMA program, most students wanted to do Muay Thai, which looked like the case in today's class.  We had a really tiny grappling class today, with only myself and two others both TQ pro fighters.  We did a ton of sparring today which is exactly what I both needed and wanted.  I was told that the normal classes are structured a bit different with a lot more technique, and I'm sure some days there are a lot more students, but I wasn't complaining.

Muay Thai program is also really good, the twin trainers, Kru Joe and Gen have good reputations.  They also have the biggest Thai trainer and fighter in Thailand, Kru Nut who stands 6’2” (190cm) Tall and weighsover 260lbs (120 kilo).   I'm planning on dropping by Team Quest once or twice a week to do their grappling class.  Check it out if you come to Chiang Mai.

Warm Regards,

Johnny F.D. - Download a free chapter

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