Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Are You Fit Enough to Survive?

Just a few hundred years ago, being fat was a sign of wealth. However, if you look at homeless people or poor people in our society now, it is easy, and cheap to be fat. For $1 you can either buy a couple carrots, or an entire package of cookies or even a double double cheeseburger. 
No one really needs to be able to run, fight, or be physically fit to survive anymore, but that doesn't change our primal instincts when it comes to feeling powerful, being attractive and being fit.   I came across this list today that I thought was interesting. How do you stack up on this, be honest.

Can you chase a wounded deer through the forest?
(Run a mile in terrain under 8 minutes)
If you had to climb a tree or pull yourself over a fence could you do it?
(Complete 5 good arms extended pullups)
If you killed a 150 pound buck, could you carry it home?
(Squat 185 pounds, power-clean 135 pounds, and overhead press 105 pounds, or if you prefer, snatch 105 pounds)
If you were attacked, could you fight ferociously for 3 minutes?
(Spar/wrestle/grapple for 3 minutes, or complete 3 minutes of high intensity exercise)
If you had to jump across a narrow ravine, could you do it?
(Standing Broad Jump 8 Feet)
If a log fell on you, could you push it off?
(Bench press your weight)

Could you walk with baby in tow for 4 hours?
(Complete a four hour hike with 20lb pack)
Could you fiercely defend yourself for 5 minutes?
(5 minute high intensity cardio circuit)
Could you climb a fence, or climb a tree?
(complete one pullup, or climb up a rope using your legs)
Could you carry 5 gallons of water from a well?
(10 front squats with 25 pound dumbells)
Could you run to safety in an emergency?
(Complete a two mile run in 20 minutes)
Original Source: https://www.onnit.com/category/lifestyle/

How do you stack up?  


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